1) Why is cancer still a problem if it's so easy to cure?

Cancer is easy to cure if diagnosed in early stages. Commonly, there are 4 stages of cancer - Stage 1,2,3 & 4. Any type of cancer which is diagnosed in Stage 1 or Stage 2 has a better chance of getting completely cured, but majority of cancer cases (over 60%) are usually diagnosed in stage 3 or 4, where the cancer has already spread to multiple organs and locations in the body, which is very difficult to treat. This is the reason why cancer is still a problem.

2) How does prostate cancer happen?

It is not clinically proven what exactly causes prostate cancer, although factors such as - increasing age, family history of cancer, obesity, ethnicity are considered to increase the risk of developing prostate cancer in an individual. Prostate cancer can be diagnosed in early stages if a male shows signs and symptoms of weak urinary system where it gets difficulty starting and maintaining a good steady flow of urine, dribbling of urine, urge to urinate and leaking, urinary retention, lower back or pelvic region pain, etc. Prostate cancer is one of the easiest to treat type of cancer if diagnosed and treated at the right time, at the right place and with the right resources.

3) Do doctors believe chemotherapy really cures cancer?

Yes, Chemotherapy cancer really cure cancer if given to a survivor who is in early stages of cancer. In stage 3 or stage 4 only chemotherapy cannot cure any form of cancer. It has to be combined with other treatments such as robotic surgery, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, brachytherapy, etc.

4) How can I reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

By avoiding excessive smoking and alcohol intake, exercising regularly to keep away of obesity levels, by having health check ups at regular intervals and by keeping a strict watch on the functioning of urinary system especially in elderly individuals.

5) Can we have a normal life after a cancer treatment?

Yes, for someone who has battled and overcome cancer, can expect to have a regular normal life after cancer treatments. It takes some time and tolerance for our body to go back to a basic normal routine, but with good will power, positive mental strength, supplemental and supportive therapies, one can achieve a normal life after cancer treatments.

6) What is the most common cancer to survive?

Lung Cancer in males and Breast Cancer in females are the commonest types of cancer worldwide. Blood cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, liver cancer, renal / kidney cancer, colon cancer, gall-bladder cancer are all common cancer to survive if diagnosed in early stages.

7) Can cancer be cured without any medications?

No, it is almost impossible to cure cancer without medications or treatments.

8) Does cancer remission mean patients are cured?

Usually, during remission patients are still under follow ups and check ups at regular intervals. If someone who has survived over 3-4 years in remission or tumor free condition, and the diagnosed cancer does not have high recurrence or metastases rate, then yes, remission means patients are cured in such conditions .

9) What are common oral diseases and treatments?

Oral / mouth cancer, tongue cancer, leukoplakia, oral infections such as candidiasis, non healing ulcers, persistent gum bleedings, etc. are the common oral diseases. Treatments include surgery, robotic surgery, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, immunotherapy, etc

10) Why is cancer so hard to cure? Why can't cancer be cured?

Something which grows abnormally in a human body, can stay inside from days to months, can multiply and spread to organs, disturb our immune and blood circulatory system to function, can lead to multiple organ failure, is definitely hard to cure and we call it Cancer

11) Which is worse cancer or cancer treatment?

Cancer is worse. Yes, there are some conventional treatments which have major side-effects, complications and toxicity on human body, but over a period of time they are all recoverable and manageable.

12) Does cutting out sugar really a cure for cancer?

No. Its simply not possible to completely remove sugar from our diet, nor is there any reason to try. Sugars are a necessary part of our healthy diet. Our brain runs primarily on glucose and our immune system needs forms of sugar to function. So actual problem is not sugar, but added or extra sugar - sugar that is added to foods without the accompanying fibre. Sugar is, of course, present in sweetness, but it is also a natural component of many foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, breads and dairy products, meats, etc. Cutting out sugar completely cannot help to treat cancer. The conclusion is to stop using or cut down on added extra sugar. Consider avoiding white sugar for some temporary period and instead use a better natural resource forms like - jaggery or honey.

13) How is early oral cancer detected?

Getting complete analysis of non-healing ulcers, persistent leukoplakia, getting thoroughly checked for oral examination of someone who has a regular habit of tobacco chewing, smoking or bad oral hygiene.

14) What are the treatments available for oral cancer?

If diagnosed in early stages, robotic surgery, conventional open surgery, cryo-surgery, intra arterial chemotherapy, systemic chemotherapy, radiotherapy, brachytherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, etc. are the best possible treatments for oral cancer.

15) Does a healthy diet lower lung cancer risk?

Yes, of course, a healthy diet, avoiding smoking, tobacco and alcohol consumption, regular warm up and breathing exercises, maintaining balanced body weight, good sound sleep, can help to lower lung cancer risk.

16) Do ovarian cancer symptoms come on suddenly?

Yes, in many cases it does not show any regular signs or symptoms and suddenly there could be vaginal bleeding, abnormal discharge, sudden onset of lower abdominal or back pain, etc., all or some of these which could lead to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer.

17) What is the cause of bone cancer?

It is not clinically proven what exactly causes bone cancer, although factors such as - hereditary, genetic conditions such as Li-fraumeni syndrome, long exposure to radiations, other bone diseases such as paget’s disease, can increase the risk of bone cancer.

18) How long does it take for prostate cancer to spread?

Usually, It take 3 to 6 months for prostate cancer to spread to other organs or other locations in a cancer survivors body. If the cancer survivor does not respond well to initial treatments then prostate cancer can spread to lymph nodes, bones - spine & pelvic region, liver and lungs.

19) What are the blood cancer symptoms on the skin?

The common signs and symptoms of blood cancer are - tiredness, breathlessness, fever, loss of appetite, red spots on skin, rashes, bruising, frequent infections, etc.

20) What are the symptoms of colon cancer?

Blood in stool, abdominal pain or discomfort, loss of appetite and weight loss, anaemia, fatigue, moderate to severe constipation, sudden change or discomfort in bowel movements, sudden change or discomfort in digestive system.